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Kingdom Formation Ministries 

Our goal with this website is to provide direction and resources for those who want to experience more of God and more of life in the Kingdom as God intended.

We were never meant to live the Christian life by willpower and self-effort. Knowing a lot about God is not enough — we need to get to know God Himself. God wants to actively engage with us, mentor us, heal the broken places in our lives, and build a relationship with us that is vibrant enough to change us from the inside out!

I live to see people’s eyes opened and their minds renewed to the Abundance of Heaven within and all around us. Too long has the heavy pall of lies, lack, and limitation covered not only the earth, but also His Church with joyless oppression. Jesus mightily overcame sin, sickness, death, and hopelessness. He opened Heaven and gives it to us so we can transform the world around us with its abundance, beauty, generosity, healing, wholeness, joy, power, love, light, fullness, hope..

“Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the Glory of the Lord is risen upon you.”

Healing Centre International

Undergirded by Executive Director Betsy Stalcup’s more than ten years of experience offering classes and healing prayer, HCI facilitates development of healthy, maturing communities where people can experientially encounter God.  HCI offers classes, groups and resources; leadership development and mentoring; and an annual conference to connect and sustain healthy, caring communities. 
HCI is a nonprofit that grew out of the healing ministry of Church of the Apostles, an Anglican Church in the Washington, DC metro region, and is now developing programs for those who are incarcerated, for members of the military who have suffered from moral injury, and for equipping leaders locally and across the globe.

Communion With God Ministeries

We stand at the threshold of a new reformation. It involves the fulfillment of God's passion, which is an intimate love relationship with you. God has sought to restore this lifestyle experienced by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden ever since it was lost through sin entering into the world. Now you can participate in ushering in this reformation of spiritual intimacy to the Church and the world.

Is it possible to craft a space for community and conversation free of the divisiveness of politics or religion or ideology...a space for you to explore life, God, the world and what it is to be fully human, and to do so alongside a growing group of friends?  I don't know either, but I would love to try.